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Social and Sheltered housing: (example)

-A small, labyrinth-like city (the architectural studio of Ricardo Bofill)

Shared promotion. Cooperative housing: (examples)

-Le Corbusier and Mies echoes in the city center of Valencia

Espai Verd, in Valencia, next to our University
Socialization of resources. Cohousing (examples:)

Narkofmin Building in Moskow: The housing block has five floors distributed by two corridors so that the first communicates directly with a block of common services.

Cohousing in Nanterre, France with a lot of shared spaces: common rooms, laundry, bicycle parking…


Supporting for all physical abilities:

Accesibility can become an oportunity for design in benefit for all those who are more needed.

Outdoors Universal accesibility (Vancouver, Canada)

Inner Universal accesibiity (Berckley, California)
• Supporting for all sensitive abilities:

Thinking in BLIND people, A glyphic language in the floor.

A BLIND architect can also continue working in his passion with forms… despite the necessity of viewing
• Supporting for all cognitive abilities

Symbolic play
Pregnant colours
Simple shapes
Safe spaces


Service to the sick:

Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Piamio, Finland. Alvar Aalto.

How to make a better place for the pacients?:

  1. Patient rooms: Distribution of the bed, closet, chasin… The position of the window depending on the sun position, the double practicable carpentry in order to allow a better ventilation. The wall and ceiling paintng in relaxed colours for the benefit of pacients who are looking the ceiling. The artificial lighting not lighting directly to the pacient eyes. Sanitary ware, the design of the place where the sanitary objects are placed
  2. Terraces
  3. Main nucleus of vertical communications
  4. Common areas
  5. Wing of services
  6. Heating

• Service to orphaned children:

Amsterdam orphanage. Netherlands. Aldo Van Eyck:

”The Orphanage is both home and city, compact and
polycentric, unique and diverse, clear and complex,
static and dynamic, contemporary and traditional,
rooted in both classical and modern tradition.”

• Service to the elderly:

The Drie Hove Elderly Home. Amsterdam. Netherlands. Hermann Hertzberger

Every necessity has a special place, The elder people who is married have bedrooms for couples, if one of the two people of the couple dies, then it is changed into the nurse area, and if it has an inability, then is changed into the Geriatric. There are also squares like in a city. ALL THIS IS MADE FOR THE BENEFIT OF ELDER PEOPLE.

• Urban opportunities to the homeless

Urban Prostheses. Puzzle house, Sevilla.


• Participation in the ideation project: (examples)

-Student house of medicine in Leuven.

Byker Wall. Newcastle upon Tyne. UK:

“houses” that their inhabitants could simply turn into “homes”.

• Participation in the construction process:

Working Class Neibourhood. Matetotti. Terni. Italy. Giancarlo di Carlo

Colaborative Design. Ökohaus Hasing. Berlin. Germany

• Deferred participation: progressive housing:

Poblado de Entrevías: Where people couldn’t pay, and they made their first payment working in the future building they were going to live.

• Immediate adaptability: flexible housing

Previ competition (Proyecto Experimental de Vivienda). Lima. Peru

Thondo Competition, Manila, Philippines.

Villaverde Housing, Chile. Instead of a little house of 40m2, it could be nice, making a 80m2 house and just constructing the half if thrn, it is needed the expansion.


Limit the shape of housing to enclosures and installations and introduce technology to allow the mobility of services and furniture. (examples):

Housing & City competition, Barcelona, Spain.

Transformer dwellings. Carabanchel. Spain.


• The utopia of full flexibility:

-Ville Spatiale of Yona Friedman.
• The utopia of Homo ludens:

-The Nomadic City of New Babylon.
• The utopia of mobile cities

The Walking City. Ron Herron.
